Monday, February 15, 2010

Been a while....

It sure has been a while since I've updated here, mostly because January was a very frustrating month. There was a lot of up and down, and unfortunately the month ended on a down. Not a great start to the year. Since then things have been going alright. Ive been fairly busy getting the final details of my wedding finished up. I'm getting married on March 6th, and I'm really looking forward to it. After the wedding I'll also be moving to a new condo and then heading on a nice honeymoon in St. Lucia. I cant wait, should be a blast.

As far as poker is concerned, due to a crappy January and having to withdraw some money for taxes/wedding I've decided to play 2/4 until I make 50 buy ins. It's going pretty well so far, I've been putting in a decent amount of volume but I would really like to get to around 25-30 hours per week, I'm around 20 hours per week right now. I'm working with a new coach and I like where things are going with him, I look forward to seeing where the hard work I put into to stepping up my game will pay off.

So far this month I've played 26k hands and I'm up like $5500 at 2/4 for a decent win rate of 5.3bb/100. My goal for the stretch that it took me to win 50 buy ins was to have a winrate above 8bb/100 and currently my ev bb/100 is at 9.28 (im running like 10 buy ins below expectation) so hopefully I will be around 8bb/100 when its all said and done. I feel like I'm playing very well this month other than a blunder maybe a couple times per session. Im in a good mindset and I hope that maybe I can knock out these 50 buy'ins before my wedding.

That's all I got for now. I'll keep you guys updated on my progress. Talk to you later.

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